Preposition + V ing (II)


Take into account that any VERB PRECEDED BY A PREPOSITION is in -ING FORM


Antes de enumerar las desventajas de este proyecto económico las ventajas.

the disadvantages of this economic project we're going to finish with the advantages.

No teneis idea acerca de buscar .

You have no idea clues.

Con objeto de potenciar el nivel de las universidades europeas, se va a un acuerdo .

With the aim the level of the European Universities, an unprecedented agreement is going to be reached.

En cuanto a comprar [no vale "buy", pon un equivalente más formal] esos artículos, la transacción .

As those articles, it seems like the transaction is getting complicated.

Olvídate de visitar esas tierras exóticas yo esté .

Forget those exotic lands while I'm still alive.